1.AMI clean
2.HMDS Prime
- 3000 rpm->30s
- 1.6 um thickness
- 110 deg.C -> 50s
- vaccum
- 20 um seperation
- pre vac: 10 sec, full vac: 30 sec, vac purge: 10 sec
- continous WEC
- AZ400K : water = 1 (50 ml) : 4 (200 ml), 25 sec – 35 sec. For Yoonho, 28 sec is the gold time. plenty of agitation.
- AZ400K : water = 1 (50 ml) : 6 (300 ml), 65 sec – 75 sec. plenty of agitation.
7.March Asher – to remove any PR residue (mild residue)
- Run March Asher for 30 secs
- Double check the time of the March Asher.