02/02/2023 I am really excited about the Homemade chips by Sam Zeloof. http://sam.zeloof.xyz/
MEMS processing
AZ5214 Photolithography
1.AMI clean 2.HMDS Prime 3.Spin-coating 3000 rpm->30s 1.6 um thickness 4.Prebake 110 deg.C -> 50s 5.Exposure vaccum 20 um seperation pre vac: 10 sec, full vac: 30 sec, vac purge: 10 sec continous WEC 6.Development AZ400K : water = 1 (50 ml) : 4 (200 ml), 25 sec – 35… read more
Oxford ICP RIE 100
Regarding using, the biggest difference between Oxford 100 and Oxford 80 is the pump. The Oxford 100’s pump is not that well. Often the Penning gauge doesn’t display e-5. If the situation happens, just press “stop” and “evacuate” again. 1.Login user: guest password: guest 2.venting “stop” “vent” 3.pre-clean open “load… read more