B. Abstracts (oral presentations)
B-004 Gonzalez XT, Roubaud MS, Schaverien MV, Largo RD, Parham CS, Francis AF, Chen TA, Hoffman A, Markey MK, Reece GP. “Appearance-related questions about breast reconstruction generated by ChatGPT: Potential to contribute to informed consent and shared decision making,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD. (October 2024).
B-003 Wang H, Gonzalez XT, Renta-Lopez GA, Hull S, Bordes MC, Hout MC, Choi SW, Markey MK, Reece GP. “Algorithms to help patients visually express what they expect to look like after breast reconstruction,” AI in Health Conference at Rice Ken Kennedy Institute. Houston, TX. September 2024.
B-002 Gonzalez XT, Roubaud MS, Schaverien MV, Largo RD, Parham CS, Francis AF, Chen TA, Hoffman A, Markey MK, Reece GP. “Dear ChatGPT: How do I ask my doctor what I will look like after breast reconstruction?,” AI in Health Conference at Rice Ken Kennedy Institute. Houston, TX. September 2024.
B-001 Wang H, Gonzalez XT, Renta-Lopez GA, Hull S, Bordes MC, Hout MC, Choi S, Reece GP, Markey MK. “Breast cancer survivors’ perceptual map of breast reconstruction appearance outcomes,” Medical Image Perception Society (MIPS) XX Conference. Nashville, TX, August 2024.