Announcing a remarkable achievement: Sophie Polidoro, our dedicated undergraduate researcher, has been chosen as the esteemed Frank W. Wood SURF Fellow! Warmest congratulations, Sophie! Additionally, we extend our sincere gratitude to the generous donor who has made it possible to bolster her summer research endeavors here at the iconic 40 acres of UT-Austin!
Note: Caltech alumnus Dick Cox (BS ’42) created the Frank W. Wood SURF Endowment to honor and memorialize his classmate and long-time friend. Frank Wood is described as an engineer, archeologist, story teller, and perpetual student. After spending a long and rich career with Mobil Oil, he began taking courses in archeology at UCLA, specializing in Mayan studies, almost earning a Ph.D. Dick says that Frank was innovative and curious, and since SURF fosters those characteristics in Caltech students, the Frank W. Wood Endowment is a fitting memorial.