ASE 324L: Aerospace Materials Lab, UT-Austin, ASE/EM, 2023 Fall, Instructor. Please check out our Canvas page and Piazza page.
The goal of this course is to study the deformation and fracture behavior of materials used in aerospace engineering. We will also learn structure-property relations, methods of characterizing material behavior, and use of properties in the design process. Topics include:
- Deformation behavior of hot and cold rolled steel
- Microstructure and dislocations
- Deformation behavior of a heat-treated aluminum alloy
- Solid solutions and crystalline structure
- High-temperature creep
- Deformation behavior of polymers
- Deformation behavior of fiber-reinforced composites
- Ceramics and Glasses
- Fractography and fracture toughness
- Environmental effects on fracture resistance
- Fatigue strength and Fatigue crack growth
- Materials Selection and case studies or other advanced topics
Besides lectures covering materials science and mechanics knowledge, we also provide ten corresponding lab sessions including:
- Tensile behavior of steel
- Microstructure/dislocation movies
- Tensile behavior of aluminum
- Microscopy and hardness tests
- Three-point flexure test of ceramics
- Relaxation of polyethylene
- Tensile behavior of fiber-reinforced polymers
- Fracture toughness testing
- Charpy impact testing
- Fatigue testing
Cavitation Workshop, UT-Austin Group Training, 2023 Summer, Instructor.
- Session #1: Basics of continuum mechanics
- Session #2: Low-rate needle induced cavitation in hyperelastic materials
- Session #3: Ultra-high-rate laser induced inertial cavitation in hyperelastic materials
- Session #4: SpatioTemporally Adaptive Quadtree Mesh Digital Image Correlation (STAQ-DIC) tutorial
EM 306: Statics, UT-Austin, ASE/EM, 2022 Fall, 2024 Spring, Instructor. Please check out our Canvas page and Piazza page.
- Vector algebra, force systems, free-body diagrams; engineering applications of equilibrium, including frames, friction, distributed loads; centroids, and moments of inertia.
- Prerequisite: Mathematics 408D, 408L, 408M, or 408S, and Physics 301 or 303K with a grade of at least C- in each.
- Designed to accommodate 100 or more students.
TAM 456 Experimental Stress Analysis, UIUC, MSE, 2022 Spring, Guest lecture (Instructor: Prof. Shelby Hutchens)
- Lecture topic: Recent Advanced Progress of Digital Image/Volume Correlation and Particle Tracking Methods
Workshop: DIC/DVC/TPT training session, UW-Madison Franck Lab & Stanford Chaudhuri Lab, 2021.
- Part 1: Digital Image Correlation Method
- Part 2: Digital Volume Correlation Method
- Part 3: Particle Tracking Method
- Each part also includes code demo sections.
- Workshop materials:
ME 570 Experimental Mechanics, UW-Madison, ME, 2020 Fall, Guest lecture (Instructor: Prof. Christian Franck)
- Lecture topic: Recent Advanced Progress of Digital Image/Volume Correlation
- Experimental demo session and DIC post-processing session
Me/Ms 260 Micromechanics, Caltech, 2017-2018 Spring, Teaching Assistant (Instructor: Prof. Kaushik Bhattacharya)
- 1. Effective properties and linear phenomena (conductivity, elasticity, Darcy law, etc.)
- Definition of effective properties
- Bounds and estimates on effective properties
- Coupled properties
- 2. Effective properties and nonlinear phenomena
- Wave propagation
- Effective properties and time-dependent phenomena
- 3. Wave propagation
- Periodic media and metamaterials
- Random media
- 4. Effective properties and time-dependent phenomena
- Viscoelasticity
- Thermoelasticity
Ae/Am/Ce/Me 102a/160a Solids Mechanics/Continuum Mechanics, Caltech, 2016-2018 Fall, Teaching Assistant (Instructor: Prof. Nadia Lapusta)
- Introduction to continuum mechanics: kinematics, balance laws, constitutive laws with an emphasis on solids.
- Static and dynamic stress analysis.
- Two- and three-dimensional theory of stressed elastic solids.
- Wave propagation.
- Analysis of rods, plates and shells with applications in a variety of fields.
- Variational theorems and approximate solutions.
- Elastic stability