Lab Janet presented at Pittcon on 03/03/2025 Saeed presented at BPS on 02/19/2025 Janet presented at GAIN on 01/29/2025 Natalie’s oral presentation at SPIE on 1/28/2025 Visit Dell Medical School on 01/06/2025 Year-end group lunch on 12/18/2024 Sohyun and Janet presenting on 11/21/2024 Kyle presenting on 11/20/2024 Nina’s farewell party on 7/19/2024 Allen’s visit on 7/19/2024 Ted, Michael and Soonwoo’s graduation on 5/11/2024 Boat party on 4/6/2024 Michael’s PhD defense on 2/26/2024 Soonwoo’s PhD defense on 2/8/2024 Ted’s PhD defense on 12/12/2023 Group lunch on 11/10/2023 Group photo on 7/27/2023 Group lunch on 8/12/2022 Group outing at the escape room on 8/12/2022 Nina dissertation award on 5/9/2022 Nina graduation on 5/19/2022 BPS in San Francisco on 2/19/2022 BMES in Orlando on 10/7/2021 Dr. Yeh at OIST on 5/31/2021 BPS in San Diego on 2/15/2020 Group outing in Schelitterbahn on 8/7/2019 Group dinner on 8/7/2019 BME faculty group photo in 2018 Congratulations Dr. Liu! Tim is tenured Phyllis and Katie won PEER poster awards Allen’s PhD defense on 8/16/2018 Group outing in Comal River on 8/9/2018 Group photo with Cong on 6/11/2018 Sunny at the poster competition on 5/4/2018 Allen’s TTBA Symposium on 11/4/2017 Group photo at Welch Conference on 10/24/2017 Group photo at Welch Conference on 10/26/2016 Hannah Horng presenting on 8/10/2016 Group dinner on 11/23/2015 Cong’s PhD proposal on 8/18/2015 Dr. Enderlein visited us on 2/21/2014 Ben Darren and Peter at CSE Poster Competition on 4/21/2015 Ben Darren and Peter at CSE Poster Competition on 4/21/2015 Evans Picoquant Young Investigator Award on 2/8/15 Group photo at 2014 BMES in San Antonio Group photo at 2014 BMES in San Antonio Group outing at McKinney Falls State Park on 08/17/2014 Group outing at McKinney Falls State Park on 08/17/2014 Our first summer group outing on 8/4/2013 at Barton Spring Pool Our first summer group outing on 8/4/2013 at Barton Spring Pool