Ashray Saxena, PhD student
Research topic: Advances in asphalt reinforcement with geosynthetics
Previous degree(s): Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Gandhinagar, India
Fun fact: I write poetry.
Description of research
Asphalt pavements are subjected to various forms of damage including cracking in asphalt overlays. Traffic wheel loads and temperature/seasonal variations are major factors contributing to reflective cracking in asphalt overlays. My research focuses on characterizing the retardation behavior of reflective cracking after the incorporation of geosynthetic materials between asphalt layers under cross-shear stresses. With the increased use of geosynthetic interlayers in recent decades, installation of such materials may lead to the milling of asphalt layers containing geosynthetics. Experimental research on geosynthetic-reinforced asphalt milling needs to be conducted to understand the characteristics and behavior of the material obtained from milling asphalt layers reinforced with geosynthetics. Hence, another aspect of my research focuses on the characterization of geosynthetic-reinforced asphalt millings and identification of its suitability as roadway base and surface course.