Participants: Curtis Mathis, Satoshi Takata
Description: This project involves the determination of residual shear strength of Colorado claystones obtained using both ring shear and direct shear devices. This project also involves the development of a large-scale direct shear device with large-displacement capabilities representative of residual conditions for most soils.
In addition, a cubical cell capable of testing a tire shred-soil or fiber reinforcement- soil mixture as an elemental cube has been developed. This project allows determination of the effects of reinforcement on soil improvement and anisotropy.
Takata, S., and Zornberg, J.G. (2001). True Triaxial Testing for Shear Strength Characterization. Geotechnical Research Report, Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder , January 2001.
Takata, S. (2000). Upgrade of a Large Scale True Triaxial Apparatus for Shear Strength Characterization. M.S. thesis, Department of Civil Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, August 2000, 207 p.