Will Pliska, Masters student
Research topic: The effect of compaction methods on the confined stiffness of soil-geotextile composites.
Previous degree(s): The University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Fun fact: I played college football at the highest level for five years total between the University of Washington and University of Texas.
Description of research
My research focuses on Soil Geosynthetic Interaction (SGI) testing to investigate the effects of compaction types on various geotextile products. I am exploring the difference between impact-based and vibratory-based compaction methods, which were developed to eliminate particle crushing during specimen preparation. This testing is used to find the stiffness of the soil-geosynthetic composite (Ksgc) values under small strains that mimic the small strains experienced by geosynthetics in unbound base layers of roadways.
Other experience
I have worked as an Engineer In Training (EIT) in Austin, TX helping design and inspect retaining walls and other geotechnically involved structures for roadways across Texas.