Daily Archives: October 19, 2010

LAUNCH, Liberal Arts Research

Any students working on a thesis or any research projects are invited to have their research featured on the LAUNCH (Liberal Arts Undergraduate Chapter for Research) Blog.  It’s a great way to get some exposure, get feedback about your insights, and learn to synthesize and discuss your findings.

LAUNCH also hosts the Student Research Forum, which gives students the opportunity to present their research projects to a faculty panel, which selects four to five students each year for a sponsored trip to the National Convention of Undergraduate Research.  If you are interested in having your research featured on the LAUNCH blog, email publicity_chair@launchut.org and for more information about LAUNCH visit www.launchut.org <http://www.launchut.org/>

Joynes Reading Room Events and Free Books

On October 22 at 7PM , San Francisco poet Bill Berkson will read in the Joynes Room. Publisher’s Weekly calls him “a serene master of the syntactical sleight, transforming the mundane into the marvelous.” The first five honors students to inquire at the Joynes Reading Room front desk will receive a free copy of Berkson’s latest book.

On Thursday, Oct. 28 at 7PM in the Joynes Reading Room, New York Times Magazine contributor Peter Maass will present “Crude Truths: How a Writer Tells Compelling Stories About Oil and War”. Maass has reported from Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Nigeria and is known for his narrative story-telling. He will explain the ways today’s journalists can make Americans pay attention to complicated problems beyond our borders. The first 12 honors students who inquire at the Joynes Reading Room front desk will receive free copies of Maass’s new book, Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil.

For more information, contact mvalentine@mail.utexas.edu <mailto:mvalentine@mail.utexas.edu> or call 512-415-6430.

LAH Harry Potter Night, Thursday October 21 at 7:00 pm NEW LOCATION WAG 101

LAH Harry Potter Movie Night
Join the LAH community in a fun-filled night of wizardry and games as we watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! And for the most devoted Harry Potter fans, we will be playing a game of Quidditch in the South Mall at 6:30PM!

When: 7PM this Thursday (10/21)
Where: WAG 101

* Quidditch game starts at 6:30PM in the South Mall

Join the facebook event to RSVP!

Analecta Call for Submissions

Analecta, UT’s official literary and arts journal, is accepting submissions of all types of creative writing between now and December 15. Winners will have their pieces printed in Analecta 37, to be published this spring, and will receive two free copies of the journal. Two featured writers will also receive $100 prizes. Please find detailed submission guidelines and contact information at www.analectajournal.com <http://www.analectajournal.com/> . Analecta was recently featured in the New York Times ArtsBeat blog, which you can find here <http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/10/15/early-fiction-by-wes-anderson-owen-wilson-and-colum-mccann/?scp=2&sq=wes%20anderson&st=cse

Mother’s helper position for LAH Junior or Senior

Are you a LAH Junior or Senior needing some extra cash and like working with kids?

Mother of 3 children (Boy/girl twins who are almost 9 and a 7 ½ year-old boy) needs help 2-3 times a week in the afternoons to help drive kids to activities and then to do occasional evening babysitting.  Not including the occasional evening babysitting, the job is between 9-12 hours a week depending on what’s going on.  pay $12/hr and reimbursement for gas.

If interested please email Sylvia Jabour at sjabour@twinliquors.com