LGBTQ Studies Honors Disability Awareness Month

We hope you will join us in recognition of Disability Employment Awareness Month with a series of events by Cal Montgomery about disability justice, Oct. 19-21, 2021. Cal is a transgender, disabled and autistic activist who studied philosophy at UT Austin! All events are hybrid (in-person and zoom). Cal will be joining us in person. Individual events described below:

No Such Thing as a Stupid Student: How Thinking Through Cognitive Accessibility Can Set Students Up For Success
Tuesday, October 19
4pm- 6pm central time
RLP 1.302B and zoom


“Hey Buddy: Sexuality in an Era of Infantizliation and Control” a talk with Cal Montgomery
Wednesday, October 20
3pm-4pm central time
WCP 2.112 and zoom


Therapized: How the Disability Industrial Complex Surgically Excises Joy
Thursday, October 21
9:30am-11am central time
MRH 2.604 and zoom