Advertising participant pool provides an opportunity for students to participate in ongoing research projects at the School of Advertising and Public Relations. By participating in the studies, you get extra credit for your class. The instructor should agree first before you participate and get the credit, so please make sure that you do this for a class that offers the opportunity. Your credit will not be shared between different classes; you can use one research credit for one class only.
You provide invaluable data for the researchers in our School while you also peek into the logic and settings of interview research, survey research, or experimental research performed by advertising/PR researchers.
Click any of the studies listed below. At the end of each online questionnaire, you will be directed to a separate Webpage where you enter your UT EID and name. We collect anonymous data; none of your survey responses are linked to your personal information.
You should receive a confirmation email after you finish the last step. If not, please email me at jeeyunoh@utexas.edu. We can help you locate your data, but it is your responsibility to finish all the steps for getting research credit.
We provide your UT EID information to your instructors at the end of each semester.
Current Studies
Online Advertising Effects Study
You are invited to participate in a research study that examines the strategies used to online advertising. Your participation in the study will contribute to a better understanding of individuals’ cognitive and emotional responses to related advertising and marketing messages. This online survey will take about 20 minutes to complete, and you will receive one class credit for participating: