Economics & Trade Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School Politics and Governance

Women at a Cultural Crossroads in Japan

Photo: Devin Stewart, Senior Fellow at Carnegie Council, featuring Prof. Mari Miura and Seiko Noda (fifth and sixth from the left) Since 2013, “womenomics” has been a buzzword in Japan’s recent policies to simultaneously stimulate the national economy and incorporate more women into the labor force. The Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office initially set out lofty […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security Philanthropy & Non-Profit Organizations Politics and Governance

Orientalism and the Neo-Imperialism of ‘Voluntourism’

Photo: Barbie Savior Edward Said’s criticism of exoticized and patronizing Western views of the East that he claims drive historical “Orientalist” study is echoed in the way that Western development approaches the “developing world,” especially Africa. The millennial trend of “voluntourism” encapsulates this neo-imperialist approach. The term “voluntourism” has emerged as the practice of high school […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School

An Abundance of Philosophy with a Scarcity of Wisdom

Photo: Wikipedia As with most perspective-changing events, this one began on an idle Tuesday. One of my Nepalese coworkers approached me and explained that ISET hosted a competition awarding funding to graduate students, and the competitors were presenting their projects today. The presentations were going to be in English, and they asked me if I […]

Civil Rights Global Policy Studies & International Security Politics and Governance

The Surveilled

Photo From: Following the attacks in San Bernardino, Paris, and Brussels, many western nations have exhibited growing support for surveillance in neighborhoods with large Muslim populations. The struggle between privacy and security continues to intensify as terrorist attacks become more frequent across the globe. Many argue that as a protection against domestic terrorism, governments […]

Civil Rights Global Policy Studies & International Security Health & Social Policy

Trump Presidency Would Exacerbate Muslim Oppression Worldwide

Photo: BBC Recently, Mr. Trump told CNN’s Anderson Cooper, “I think Islam hates us.” This sentiment isn’t surprising given Trump’s previous prescriptions for dealing with Islamic terrorism which include “taking out” their families and torture. Regarding torture, he’s written, “nothing should be taken off the table when American lives are at stake…The enemy is cutting […]

Economics & Trade Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security Multimedia Politics and Governance

Smart Diplomacy: Reflections From a Career Ambassador

Before he was whisked away from our interview to moderate a conflict resolution exercise, I had a conversation with Ambassador Thomas Pickering. As a diplomat, he has served in a host of countries as well as in the United Nations. Even though he has technically retired from his career as an ambassador, he is still […]

Economics & Trade Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School Politics and Governance

What a Crisis Taught me About Diplomacy

A few weeks ago I took part in a policy simulation and learned as much about international relations in forty-two hours as I did in an entire semester of studying.  Political theory is an important basis for understanding international relations, but it is incomplete without including the complex levels of diplomacy as well. During my […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security Immigration Policy Politics and Governance

Divided Union: Europe, Refugee Crisis, and the Need for Solidarity

Photo Credit: Huck Magazine Over half a century ago, Berlin’s Tempelhof Airport was at the center of the Berlin Airlift, a U.S.-led effort to supply the western half of the city when the Soviets tried unsuccessfully to cut it off from West Germany. The airport, now closed and converted into a public park, recently served as […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security Immigration Policy Politics and Governance

The US Role in the International Refugee Crisis

Photo Credit: AFP / Baraa al-Halabi Refugee Ceilings and Admitted Refugees to the U.S., FY 2009-2014, American Immigration Council, 2014 The Syrian Civil War has created the largest refugee crisis of the twenty-first century. Some 40% of Syria’s population has been forced to leave their homes and seek safety elsewhere, either abroad or in Syria itself.  […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security Politics and Governance

A Path Forward for the Addis Tax Initiative

photo credit: UTPAL Baruah/Reuters Third and final in a series by Steven Damiano (LBJ MGPS Graduate) covering his internship at Bread for the World.  In my previous blog post, I noted the role taxation and domestic resource mobilization plays in international development.  In this post, I lay out the policy recommendations from my upcoming Bread for […]