Immigration Policy

Immigration Reform: Challenge for the Future, Hope from the Past

The recent Civil Rights Summit recognized the role of bold U.S. leaders seeking equal rights and opportunities for all Americans.  The triumphs of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s administration were remarkable and certainly merited celebration, but they were not without setbacks, frustration and compromise.  Even as he addressed the nation after signing the Civil Rights Act […]

Immigration Policy

Texas Immigration Panel at Tribune Fest

Two Texas public officials put the ‘fight’ in the Texas Tribune Festival’s “Fight Over Immigration Reform” panel Saturday morning. Rep. Rafael Anchia (D-Dallas) and Jose Aliseda, a former Republican state representative and current Bee County district attorney, engaged in a lively exchange over immigration policy. The pair sat on a four-person panel that also included Rep. Ana […]

Immigration Policy

DREAM Act Means Broken Dreams for Americans

  In response to Allison Ramirez’ feature article titled, “Our Broken (Values) System” published October 26, 2011. President Reagan passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act which granted amnesty to around 2.8 million illegal immigrants in 1986. This legislation was intended to be a “one time only” deal to give legal residency to illegal immigrants already here in the United […]

Immigration Policy

The Texas DREAM Act: Forcing the Taxpayer to Reward Illegal Behavior

  Is there a government prize for breaking the law in Texas?  The Texas DREAM Act forces the taxpayer to reward those who continue to break the law by illegally residing in the United States. Since being signed into law by Gov.  Rick Perry in 2001, the Texas DREAM Act has provided in-state tuition and need-based financial aid […]

Immigration Policy

Documented or Not, They’re Texans

  In the September 22, 2011 Fox News-Google GOP Primary Debate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry stated, “If you say that we should not educate children who have come into our state for no other reason than they've been brought there by no fault of their own, I don't think you have a heart. We need to […]

Immigration Policy

Our Broken (Values) System

  “I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally.” –          Ronald Reagan, 1984 debate with Walter Mondale Yes, you read that correctly: Ronald Reagan, the father of modern conservatism, in support of the A-word.  Conservative champions of our […]

Immigration Policy

Not Everyone Moves from South to North

  It is a common misperception that immigration flows come from southern poor countries to rich industrialized nations in the Northern Hemisphere. But immigration patterns are more complex than the outdated notion of a man leaving his family and heading north to seek work. Covering Migration in the Americas was the topic of this year’s Austin […]