Global Policy Studies & International Security Philanthropy & Non-Profit Organizations

Three Weeks in Mumbai

Photo: Sarah Blumberg, the author and her cohort shown in front of the Ashte village Community Center The children turned attentively and chorused “Good Morning, Teacher!” as we entered the room. Students sat cross-legged on the floor with their school bags splayed around the perimeter. One class excitedly recited the “continent” song for us and […]

Health & Social Policy

Fighting Outdoor Defecation in Rural Bihar

July 1st – 26. July 2nd – 19. July 3rd – 27. In India there are rarely small numbers. A lot of people, a lot of cell phones and, most importantly for us, there are a lot of people defecating outside. 650 million people defecating outside. Unfortunately, the numbers that I encounter every day are […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security

Let’s Talk About Kashmir

  When was the last time you read about Kashmir in the newspaper, or heard about it on TV? Perhaps it was years ago. Sadly, the province broken with territorial dispute for more than 60 years is no longer on the radar of the media or world leaders. The issue of Kashmir looms as it […]

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