Global Policy Studies & International Security Multimedia

Exclusive Interview with US Senator Richard Lugar

In this Baines Report exclusive, Kaitlin Sharkey interviews Sen. Lugar on the UN’s potential reaction to noncompliance in Syria, the impact of partisanship on US foreign policy, and his advice for future policymakers. Sen. Lugar gave a public lecture at the LBJ School on September 26. Photo credited to Sasha Haagensen [soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security

Intervention in Syria: Choose, but Choose Wisely

The temperature had reached about 115 degrees that day in August 2007.  I was a relatively young American soldier sitting in the backyard of a Sunni tribal leader, also known as a sheik, in a western Iraqi town called Ramadi.  Since 2003 this sheik and his followers had been hard at work trying to kill […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

The economy is slow, domestic scandals grip the land, and the President wants action against WMD’s in the Middle East. What year is this, 2003? America finds itself debating the merits of military intervention again, this time in Syria. Great rifts in both parties have been opened, showing signs of weathered support for a continual […]

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