Current Students
Zack Smith, PhD Candidate. Research Focus: Scoring rules and probability assessment CV
- Smith, Zachary and J. Eric Bickel. 2019 (Apr.). “Additive Scoring Rules for Discrete Sample Spaces.” Under review at Decision Analysis.
- Smith, Zachary and J. Eric Bickel. 2019 (June). “Weighted Scoring Rules and ϕ-Divergences.” Under review at Operations Research.
Milad Eghtedari Naeini, PhD Candidate. Research Focus: Decision making and climate policy CV
- Naeini, Milad Eghtedari, Benjamin D. Leibowicz, J. Eric Bickel. 2019 (Apr.). “Can you trust a model whose output keeps changing? Interpreting changes in the social cost of carbon produced by the DICE model.” Under review at Environmental Modeling and Software.
Andrew Beck, PhD Candidate, Equinor Fellow. Research Focus: Risk appetite and unconventional oil and gas field development
Josh Woodruff, PhD Candidate. Research Focus: Discretization
Colin Small, PhD Student. Research Focus: Utility theory and trade-space analytics
Ryan Farrell, PhD Student. Research Focus: Integration of machine learning and geostatistics to inform oil & gas decision making
Past Students and Publications
Chris Hadlock, PhD, Decision Analyst, Chevron
- Hadlock, Christopher and J. Eric Bickel. 2019 (Mar.). “The Generalized J-QPD System.” Decision Analysis 16(1) 67-85. doi:1287/deca.2018.0376.
- Hadlock, Christopher and J. Eric Bickel. 2017 (Mar.). “Johnson Quantile-Parameterized Distributions.” Decision Analysis 14(1) 21-34. doi: 10.1287/deca.2016.0343. Finalist 2018 Decision Analysis Journal Special Recognition Award.
- Huidong, Zhang, Christopher Hadlock, J. Eric Bickel, and Eric van Oort. 2019 (Apr.). “Risk Assessment of Cement Barrier Failure due to Design Changes in Deepwater Well Construction.” Under review at Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.
Tao Huang, PhD, AI Researcher, DiDi Research America
- Huang, Tao and J. Eric Bickel. 2019. “Sparse Probability Assessment Heuristic Based on Orthogonal Matching Pursuit.” Forthcoming at Decision Analysis.
Robert Hammond, PhD, Manager, Quantitative Analysis, RBN Energy. Finalist for George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award
- Hammond, Robert K. and J. Eric Bickel. 2017 (Mar.). “Discretization Precision and Assessment Error.” Decision Analysis 14(1) 35-64. doi:1287/deca.2016.0342
- Hammond, Robert K. and J. Eric Bickel. 2015 (Sept.). “Discretization Methods for Continuous Probability Distributions.” Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. doi:1002/9780470400531.eorms1103
- Kim, Seong Dae, Robert K. Hammond, and J. Eric Bickel. 2014 (May). “Improved Mean and Variance Estimating Formulas for PERT Analyses.” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 61(2) 362-369. doi:1109/TEM.2014.2304977.
- Hammond, Robert K. and J. Eric Bickel. 2013 (Jul.). “On the Decision Relevance of Stochastic Oil Price Models: A Case Study.” The Engineering Economist 58(3) 209-230.
doi:1080/0013791X.2013.806975. - Hammond, Robert K. and J. Eric Bickel. 2013 (Jul.). “Approximating Continuous Probability Distributions Using the 10th, 50th, and 90th Percentiles.” The Engineering Economist 58(3) 189-208. doi:1080/0013791X.2013.793761.
- Hammond, Robert K. and J. Eric Bickel. 2013 (Mar.). “Reexamining Discrete Approximations to Continuous Distributions.” Decision Analysis 10(1) 6-25. doi:1287/deca.1120.0260.
Kun Zan, PhD, Senior Manager, Data Science, HomeAway
- Zan, Kun and J. Eric Bickel. 2013 (Jun.). “Components of Portfolio Value of Information.” Decision Analysis 10(2) 171-185. doi:1287/deca.2013.0267.
Luis Montiel, PhD, Professor ITAM
- Montiel, Luis V. and J. Eric Bickel. 2013. “A Generalized Sampling Approach for Multi-attribute Utility Functions Given Partial Preference Information.” Under Review at Decision Analysis.Montiel, Luis V. and J. Eric Bickel. 2013. “Approximating Joint Probability Distributions Given Partial Information.” Decision Analysis 10(1) 26-41. PDF
- Montiel, Luis V. and J. Eric Bickel. 2012. “A Simulation-Based Approach to Decision Making with Partial Information.” Decision Analysis 9(4) 329-347. PDF
- Montiel, Luis V. and J. Eric Bickel. 2012. “Generating a Random Collection of Discrete Joint Probability Distributions Subject to Partial Information.” Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability. PDF.
Seong-Dae Kim, PhD, Associate Professor, The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
- Bickel, J. Eric and Seong Dae Kim. 2014 (Jun.). “Reexamining the efficiency of Major League Baseball over-under betting market.” Applied Financial Economics 24(18) 1229-1234. doi:1080/09603107.2014.925052.
- Kim, Seong Dae, Robert K. Hammond*, and J. Eric Bickel. 2014 (May). “Improved Mean and Variance Estimating Formulas for PERT Analyses.” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 61(2) 362-369. doi:1109/TEM.2014.2304977.
- Bickel, J. Eric, Eric Floehr, and Seong Dae Kim*. 2011 (Oct.). “Comparing NWS PoP Forecasts to Third-Party Providers.” Monthly Weather Review 139(10) 3304-3321. doi:1175/2011MWR3525.1.
- Kim, Seong Dae and J. Eric Bickel. 2010 (Sep.). “Roads or Radar: The Tradeoff Between Investments in Infrastructure and Forecasting When Facing Hurricane Risk.” IEEE Systems Journal 4(3) 363-375. doi:1109/JSYST.2010.2050372.
- Bickel, J. Eric and Seong Dae Kim. 2008 (Dec.). “Verification of The Weather Channel Probability of Precipitation Forecasts.” Monthly Weather Review 136(12) 4867-4881.