George D. Bittner, Sami Tuffaha, Jaimie T. Shores. 2024. PEG-fusion repair of peripheral nerve injuries (PNIs). Hand Clinics. 40:389-397
Liwen Zhou, Karthik Venkudusamy, Emily A. Hibbard, Yessenia Montoya, Alexa Olivarez, Cathy Z. Yang, Adelaide Leung, Varun Gokhale, Guhan Periyasamy, Zeal Pathak, Dale R. Sengelaub, George D. Bittner. 2024. Polyethylene glycol fusion repair of severed sciatic nerves accelerates recovery of nociceptive sensory perceptions in male and female rats of different strains. Neural Regeneration Research. https://doi.org/10.4103/NRR.NRR-D-23-01846
Emily A. Hibbard, Liwen Zhou, Cathy Z. Yang, Karthik Venkudusamy, Yessenia Montoya, Alexa Olivarez, George D. Bittner, Dale R. Sengelaub. 2024. Polyethylene glycol fusion repair of severed rat sciatic nerves reestablishes axonal continuity and reorganizes sensory terminal fields in the spinal cord. Neural Regeneration Research. https://doi.org/10.4103/NRR.NRR-D-23-01845
Tyler A. Smith, Liwen Zhou, Cameron L. Ghergherehchi, Michelle Mikesh, Cathy Z. Yang, Haley O. Tucker, JuliAnne Allgood, Jared S. Bushman, George D. Bittner. 2024. Polyethylene glycol treatment of peripheral nerve allografts in rats requires axon fusion to consistently attenuate innate and adaptive immune responses. 2024. Neural Regeneration Research. https://doi.org/10.4103/NRR.NRR-D-23-01220
Christopher Frost; Abdel Salous, Suvethavarshini Ketheeswaran, Ledibabari M. Ngaage, Phil Hanwright, Cameron Ghergherehchi, Sami Tuffaha, George D. Bittner, Dhananjay Vaidya, Gerald Brandacher, Jaimie Shores. 2024. Polyethylene Glycol Fusion Restores Axonal Continuity and Improves Return of Function in a Rat Median/Ulnar Nerve Denervation Model. Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. DOI:10.1097PRS,0000000000011608
Allgood JA, Bittner GD, Bushman JS. 2023. Repair and Regeneration of Peripheral Nerve Injuries that Ablate Branch Points. Neural Regeneration Research. 18(12): 2564-2568, https://doi.org/10.4103/1673-5374.373679
Marshal Mencel and George D. Bittner. 2023. Repair of traumatic lesions to the plasmalemma of neurons and other cells: commonalities, conflicts, and controversies. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. PMID: 37008019 PMCID: PMC10050709 DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1114779.
Liwen Zhou, Monzer Alatrach, Ted Zhao, Paul Oliphint, George D. Bittner. 2023. Differential survival of segments of rat sciatic nerves preserved in different storage solutions assessed by novel electrophysiological and morphological criteria. Neural Regeneration Research. 18(9): 2082-2088. https://doi.org/10.4103/1673-5374.367848
Stephen Lopez MD, George Bittner PhD, Richard Trevino MD. 2023. Rapid and effective fusion-repair of severed digital nerves using neurorrhaphy and bioengineered solutions including polyethylene glycol: A case report. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 19:16:1087961. https://doi.org/10.3389/fncel.2022.1087961
George D. Bittner, Jared S. Bushman, Cameron L. Ghergherehchi, Kelly C.S. Roballo, Jamie T. Shores, Tyler A. Smith. 2022. Typical and Atypical Properties of Peripheral Nerve Allografts Enable Novel Strategies to Repair Segmental Loss Injuries. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 19(1):60 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12974-022-02395-0
Kelly C. S. Roballo, Jason P. Gigley, Tyler A. Smith, George D. Bittner, Jared S. Bushman. 2022. Morphological, Functional, and Immunological Peculiarities of Peripheral Nerve Allografts. Neural Regeneration Research. 17: 721-747. https://doi.org/10.4103/1673-5374.322445
Ghergherehchi CL, Shores JT, Alderete J, Weitzel EK, Bittner GD. 2021. Methylene blue enhances PEG-fusion repair of completely severed rat sciatic nerves. Neural Regeneration Research. 16(10):2056-2063. doi.org/10.1186/s12974-020-01953-8. PMID: 33642394; PMCID: PMC8343334.
Smith TA Ghergherehchi CL, Tucker HO, G. D. Bittner GD.. 2020. Coding transcriptome analyses reveal altered functions underlying immunotolerance of PEG-fused rat sciatic nerve allografts. J. Neuroinflammation. 17:287-311. doi.org/10.1186/s12974-020-01953-8. PMID: 32931034.
Smith TA, Ghergherehchi CL, Mikesh M, Shores JT, Tucker HO, Bittner GD. 2020. Polyethylene glycol-fusion repair of sciatic allografts in female rats achieve immunotolerance via attenuated innate and adaptive responses. J Neurosci. Res. 98:2468-2495. PMID: 33008419; PMCID: PMC7532577.
Ghergherehchi C.L., Hibbard E.A., Mikesh M., Bittner G.D., Sengelaub D.R. 2019. Behavioral recovery and spinal motoneuron remodeling after polyethylene glycol axon fusion repair of singly cut and ablated sciatic nerves. PLoS One. 14(10): e0223443. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0223443.
Vargas SA and Bittner GD. 2019. Natural mechanisms and artificial PEG-induced mechanism that repair traumatic damage to the plasmalemma in eukaryotes. Current Topics in Membranes: Plasma Membrane Repair. 84: 129-167.
Bittner G, Ghergherehchi C, Mikesh M, Sengelaub D, Trevino R, Shores J. 2019. Salomone et al did not induce PEG-fusion repair of severed rat facial nerves. Head Neck. 2019 Aug 9. doi: 10.1002/hed.25894. PMID: 31400039
Bittner GD, Ghergherehchi CL, Mikesh M. Surgical Technique and Other Protocols Used Probably Did Not Induce Polyethylene Glycol Fusion of Rat Facial Nerves. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. ;21(1):81. doi:10.1001/jamafacial.2018.1126
Ghergherehchi CL, Mikesh M, Sengelaub DR, Jackson DM, Smith T, Shores JT, Bittner GD. 2019. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) and other bioactive solutions with neurorrhaphy for rapid and dramatic repair of peripheral nerve lesions by PEG-fusion. J Neurosci Methods. 314:1-12. NIHMS1518360, Publ.ID: NSM8215. Doi n1-.1016/jneumeth.2018.12.20.15