The UBS service administrators were forced to take quick action to update the version of WordPress run on UBS, from 5.8.2 to 5.8.3, in order to address four security vulnerabilities fixed by the new version.
Along the way, we also updated several WordPress themes and Plugins. The updates were all put into place on Friday 01/07/2022, and they were:
WordPress 5.8.3
Plugin Updates
- New Royalslider
- WPMUDEV Updates
- Add To Any
- Google Analytics for WordPress
- Popup Anything on Click
- Really Simple SSL
- Yoast SEO
Theme Updates
- Genesis
- Twentyten
- Twentyeleven
- Twentytwelve
- Twentythirteen
- Twentyfourteen
- Twentyfifteen
- Twentysixteen
- Twentyseventeen