Update UBS to WordPress 4.7.5
Installed Multisite Custom CSS to enable “Additional CSS” in theme customization network wide
, Filed Under: maintenance, News
Update UBS to WordPress 4.7.5
Installed Multisite Custom CSS to enable “Additional CSS” in theme customization network wide
, Filed Under: Did You Know, News, Themes
Today we make available on the University Blog Service UT WordPress Theme. Site Administrators can activate the theme in their dashboards.
UT WordPress Theme is based on the Genesis Framework and is bundled with branded CSS, images, and other web resources. Originally this was the theme available only through the CMS Hosting Platform, a service offered by ITS starting October 2016, in the WordPress for Texas upstream. We are making the UT WordPress Theme available on the University Blog Service in an effort to better support the UT Brand guidelines.
If you are considering using UT WordPress Theme with your existing site, we recommend you evaluate UT Theme in the UBS Customer Acceptance Testing environment ( a.k.a., QUAL ) located at qual.sites.utexas.edu/<SITE URL> first. There you are free to make whatever changes you want without consequence to your live site.
What gives the theme’s design is the pages, posts, menu items, and widgets we preload into a site when it is created. We refer to this as “default content”. This is great for new sites created on UBS. Site administrators can make minimal changes to their new sites and see how we do design internally. However, existing sites will not have this content immediately available to them. This is to avoid corrupting the site’s existing content and configuration.
UT Theme relies on widgets for a number of elements of the overall design; mainly the footer and sidebars. We also recommend the following changes to achieve that look and feel;
You can find specifics about how to implement elements of UT WordPress Theme’s design in this Service Now knowledge article.
UT Responsive themes will remain on the service.
WordPress Themes rely on sidebars for their function and design. UT WordPress theme is no different. Often times two different themes will use the same name for sidebars. When this happens, themes will pack their widgets into the same sidebar and set whatever widget there as “Inactive”. As UT WordPress Theme uses widgets heavily, this can be impactful if a number of themes are being evaluated for a site. We recommend referring to the theme implementation article to overcome this issue.
, Filed Under: News
The University Blog Service will no longer accept requests for custom domain mapping. The stewardship team has made the decision to no longer provide custom domain mapping for new domains going forward. While we strive to provide additional functionality to UBS, this decision was made due to technical considerations and the internal support required for custom domain mapping.
Current sites in the service that already have a custom domain will not be affected. Those sites will continue to be served at the current custom domain URL.