- advanced-custom-fields – 5.10.2
- akismet – 4.1.12
- google-analytics-for-wordpress 8.0.0
- LoginWP (peters-login-redirect) –
- popup-anything-on-click –
- really-simple-ssl – 5.1.0
- Yoast SEO (wordpress-seo) – 17.1
- wpmudev-updates – 4.11.3
New Plugin! WooSlider!
There’s a new plugin on the block: WooSlider. Activate the plugin and you’re on your way to making a slideshow in minutes.
What is it?
WooSlider is an easy to use, highly customizable slideshow plugin. You can create slideshows of images or of blog posts. WooSlider is fully responsive which means your content will look great, regardless of the device it is viewed on.
Demo Slideshow:
[wooslider slide_page=”example” slider_type=”slides”]
How do I use it in my blog?
1. After activating the plugin, you’ll see “Slideshows” listed on your administrative navigation:
2. Go to Slideshows > Add New Slide to create new slides just as you would blog posts. Slides can be any combination of images and text
3. Put slides into slideshow groups just as you would categorize blog posts.
4. To insert slideshows into a post, Go to > Slideshows > Slideshow Type. Here you have the option to create a slideshow from already attached images, from previous blog posts, or from the slideshow group you just created.
5. Customize the slider in the button on the same screen.
6. Click the button and some code will be inserted into your post. You now have a slideshow.
Where can I find more info?