Dear Thomas,
I found you relatable as we both came out of El Paso, Texas. As I kept reading your profile I enjoyed your type of personality. The way you are up and about with all the things around is a lot like me and that probably led me to enjoy your profile a lot more. I love the reasons why you ride and in my opinion family will always be the greatest motivators of all. As I took similar motivations towards starting my career path. This can be a crazy experience you are having, but at the end like it was said you wish it never ended.
So don’t forget to always say Yes and experience the little things inside the bigger experience. I have a feeling you already saying yes to everything from what I have read in your profile.
Stay strong and keep on going. As you work hard on the bike, I’ll be working hard inside the lab.
Octavio Cordova Jr., University of Texas at El Paso
Thomas Chavez is a UT Austin Junior majoring in BioChemistry, currently riding to Alaska with Texas 4000 on the Rockies 2017 team.