Suchin Kundra and Victoria Lee are part of the Texas 4000 Sierra 2018 team. They and their team are arriving in Portland, Oregon on July 12!
Dear Suchin and Victoria,
My name is Katie and I wanted to congratulate you on the progress you’ve made these past few weeks on your journey to Alaska!
A couple weeks ago, I and other students in my research program made cards for all the riders on the Sierra route, and I hope they were fun and encouraging. Your journey raises awareness and supports research opportunities, and you deserve some support in return.
Two of my mom’s close friends have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, and I have seen the toll it takes on not only their lives and but also those of the people around them. I appreciate all of your hard work that has gone into this endeavor.
Your effort and perseverance have inspired myself and others to find our own ways to help in this war against cancer.
Biking 4,000 miles is no easy task, and I can only imagine the challenges that come with the ride. Even if there are still a few miles to go, I hope you can see how far you’ve come and be proud of your accomplishments.
Keep on riding!
Katie Long, Columbia University