Go Green Fast
In 2023, Nate Jensen and I have led a new project on industrial policy and the clean energy transition called Go Green Fast which includes a series of memos and videos.
Critical Minerals
I also have a new project with Emily Holland, Morgan Bazilian, and Mark Deinert on national security, critical minerals, and the clean energy transition.
Sectoral Emissions Mitigation
I am have long-term project on sectoral decarbonization in the U.S., China, and India.
Climate Security
I have been part of two Department of Defense funded projects on climate change and national security funded under their Minerva Initiative. The first Climate Change and African Political Stability (CCAPS) was a five-year, $7.6 million project that ended in 2015. The second Complex Emergencies and Political Stability in Asia (CEPSA) is a 3-year, roughly $1.9 million project that extended in to 2017. I was also the principal investigator of CEPSA.
MA Course Projects for Clients
I also led three year-long MA research projects for clients, one on sectoral greenhouse gas mitigation opportunities in the major economies, another on global wildlife trafficking, and a third on climate security in Oceania. The blog sites for the class have videos, reports, and blog posts from the students and me that are a fantastic resource.