On Saturday, February 27, CM2 hosted a booth at the 2021 virtual Girl Day UT Austin. UT Austin’s Girl Day is a nationally award-winning event presented by the Women in Engineering Program (WEP) at UT Austin that gives elementary and middle school students a chance to explore STEM through grade-appropriate, hands-on activities hosted by volunteer scientists, engineers, and STEM enthusiasts from over 100 student organizations, research centers, corporate partners and community organizations.
CM2 hosted a session called “Build A City”, which asked participants to design their ideal cities out of household items like candy, building blocks, clay, crayons, paper towel rolls, cardboard boxes, etc. We challenged participants to think about: What makes a good city? What are all the parts of a city? How do city leaders decide what to put in a city?
We are proud to report that the 2021 Girl Day at UT Austin event had over 1,200 participants. Check out this sisters-and-mom team who shared a video tour of their city on the CM2 Flipgrid channel. CM2 would like to say “Thank You” to our volunteers who donated their time and energy to make our virtual booth a success. Special shout-out to Samira Binte Bashar and Lisa Loftus-Otway for creating the tutorial video!