Dr. Carol Abel-Lewis, and Dr. Gwendolyn Goodwin released their official report from the TSU Center for Transportation Training and Research (CTTR) megaregions workshop that occurred in December of 2020.
You can view the official report HERE
Please see below for a summary of the event.
Texas Southern University’s Center for Transportation Training and Research (CTTR) invited several transportation professionals and academicians to an open discussion on vulnerable communities in the Texas megaregions. As urban areas within megaregions continue to expand, less attention is given to rural and vulnerable interstice cities and communities. The megaregions discussion focused on the Texas Triangle and Gulf Coast megaregions. Houston Galveston Area Council hosted the site for the virtual event; Dr. Carol Lewis, Emeritus Director of CTTR provided opening comments and set the stage for the meeting’s discussion. Elements of the on-going research were considered and discussed:
- Ms. Lisa Loftus-Otway presented the current challenges and possible opportunities and avenues to implement equitable megaregion planning in Texas.
- Dr. Carol Lewis presented research that has been conducted on vulnerable communities along US 290 W and IH 10 East from Houston to Austin and Houston to the state-line, respectively.
- Dr. Gwendolyn Goodwin presented research on health, medical, and transportation equity within vulnerable communities in the megaregions.