![Call for Volunteers - Art on the Green 2018 — Art on the Green](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5196585fe4b0c4d402cd8150/1528208211574-V3UW5YM73AFR8JJBCX6C/call+volunteer.png)
Calling all STEM role models and volunteers: CM2 needs your help!
CM2 is excited to participate in Girl Day @ UT Austin 2022 presented by UT Austin’s WiSTEM (Women in STEM). Kids and their chaperones will join in free virtual STEM programming for K-8th graders on the Gatherly platform on Saturday, February 19, 2022 from 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM CT.
On February 19, CM2 will be hosting a virtual, hands-on project called Build A City! CM2 is seeking individuals to act as project volunteers and STEM role models to work directly with kids and their chaperones through our online Gatherly event.
- PROJECT VOLUNTEERS: Project volunteer tasks include answering kids’ questions about the Build A City! project, and encouraging kids to engage in critical thinking about the city-building process. Project volunteers should be aged 18 years and up, but do not have to have a STEM background to participate!
- STEM ROLE MODELS: For volunteers who have a background in transportation, city and regional planning, architecture, and/or design, STEM role model tasks include answering kid’s questions about careers related to city-building, discuss research topics and/or career-based experience in their STEM field, and encourage kids to pursue a future career in city-building STEM fields.
If you would like to participate, please sign up by Tuesday, February 15, 2022.
We ask volunteers to consider participating for a minimum of one (1) hour during the 1:30 – 4 p.m. CT event. If you have any questions, please contact Noah Pope (volunteer coordinator) for more information.
Thank you! We can’t wait to make Girl Day 2022 a success!!
![Girls wearing Girl Day shirts](https://girlday.utexas.edu/sites/default/files/styles/utexas_flex_content_area_image/public/flex-content-areas/shirts.jpg?itok=I37nY-Di)
CM2 Girl Day Volunteer Updates
Girl Day 2022 @ UT Austin is fast approaching, and all CM2 volunteers and STEM role models are encouraged to participate in the CM2 Volunteer Meeting on February 18th!
- CM2 Volunteer Meeting: Friday, February 18, 12 – 1 p.m. CT on Gatherly
All project volunteers and STEM role models signed up with CM2 are encouraged to join the CM2 team in an online meeting to go over event logistics, and to learn more about the Gatherly platform. We will meet on Gatherly – Lobby/Floor 1 (the floor you enter). Contact Noah Pope (cm2@austin.utexas.edu) for more details!
Additional Girl Day Volunteer Information from WiSTEM is listed below:
Girl Day Volunteer Instructions: Please visit https://girlday.utexas.edu/volunteer-instructions for all volunteer instructions, volunteer training materials, and additional information. The sidebar on the right of the webpage includes additional helpful volunteer resources.
UT Girl Day Slack: Join the UTGirlDay2022 Slack for volunteers and organizers: https://join.slack.com/t/utgirlday2022/shared_invite/zt-131u0fs5y-qIxBce4YJ9mTw~R6PzGsYQ. This will be used for all event day (and earlier) questions and troubleshooting.