Attendees: UPenn researchers and students, Representatives from MPOs, City Transportation Planning departments, and State transportation planning offices in the Northeast Megaregion Where: University of Pennsylvania When: November 9, 2018 Draft Agenda Presentation
CM2 and WTS Webinar: Evolving Challenges in Regional and Megaregional Planning
Who: WTS Southwest Region, CM2 Consortium Members, USDOT officials, Community Leaders Where: Online Event When: November 2, 2018 from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM CDT If you attended this webinar and would like to see a copy of the presentation or you weren’t able to attend, read about the event… read more
Texas Southern University 290 Corridor Workshop
CM2 Summer Forum 2018
Who: CM2 Consortium Members, FHWA and USDOT officials, Community Leaders Where: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania When: June 18-20, 2018 Agenda The CM2 Summer Forum brought together the consortium of institutions that represent the Tier 1 University Transportation Center: the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Texas at Austin, Texas Southern University, and… read more