The NSF-Simons AI Institute for Cosmic Origins (CosmicAI) is excited to announce the date and location for our inaugural conference.

The Cosmic Horizons conference will be held at the University of Texas at Austin from May 6 to 8, 2025.

Update #3: Registration for Cosmic Horizons is now closed. You can register to added to our waiting list. We will contact you if a spot opens up due to cancellations.

Update#2: We are no longer offering any more funding to students and postdoctoral scholars.

Update #1: We are no longer accepting submissions for talks or posters. We will be in touch soon to let you know if your submitted talk was accepted.

Important Dates
January 26Contributed Talk Abstracts Due ✅
February 10 Conference Talk Schedule Set ✅
March 1 Poster Abstracts Due ✅
April 15Registration Fee Due / Last Day to Register to Attend
May 6Conference Starts

Rationale and focus

The recent revolution in AI is fundamentally changing how astronomers observe, explore, analyze, and model astronomical data. The Cosmic Horizons conference aims to bring together researchers who are actively developing and applying AI/ML methods in astronomy. The conference will focus on:

  • Recent advances at the intersection of AI and Astronomy and AI-powered progress towards understanding our cosmic origins, from cosmology to habitability.
  • Methodologies to increase the trustworthiness, robustness, interpretability, and efficiency of AI applications in astronomy.
  • Preparation for the big-data challenges posed by next-generation observing facilities and approaches for analyzing high-dimensional data.

Conference participants will have opportunities to demonstrate AI-Astro packages in conjunction with the inaugural AI-in-Astronomy Bootcamp from May 5 to 9 at the University of Texas at Austin.

The conference is sponsored by CosmicAI, with support from the NSF, Simons Foundation, and the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences.

Register here. Stay tuned for more information about the agenda and speakers.
