
Conference Schedule

Invited Speaker/Special Session. Conference Breaks

Tuesday, May 6th

TimePresenterTalk Title
8:30Registration + Coffee👋🏽 ☕
9:10Lina Necib(Machine) Learning of Dark Matter
9:40Aimee SchechteThe Uses and Limitations of CNNs for Galaxy Merger Identification
10:00Aizaan AkhmetzhanovaDetecting Model Misspecification in Cosmology with Scale-Dependent Normalizing Flows
10:50Andrew EngelMantis Shrimp: Exploring Photometric Band Utilization in Computer Vision Networks for Photometric Redshift Estimation
11:10Tri NguyenConstraining Dark Matter through Stellar Kinematics and Simulation-based Inference
11:30Max LeeZooming by in the CARPoolGP Lane: new CAMELS-TNG simulations of zoomed-in massive halos
11:50Dalya BaronFrom data to insight: machine-assisted discoveries in the big data era in astronomy
1:50Lindsay HouseHarnessing Citizen Science and AI for the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment
2:10Stephanie JuneauCan ML/AI tell us why galaxies stop forming stars?
2:30Tanmoy LashkarAn Unsupervised Dive into Gamma-ray BurstAfterglow Classification
3:20Shiro MukaeApplying Deep Learning to Enhance Low-S/N Galaxy Identification in the HETDEX Spectroscopic Survey
3:40Tjitske StarkenburgTowards combined constraints on galaxy astrophysics, dust attenuation, and cosmology from galaxy luminosity functions and colors
4:10Career PanelKevin Gullikson, Randi Ludwig, and Eric Murphy

Wednesday, May 7th

TimePresenterTalk Title
8:30 Registration + Coffee👋🏽 ☕
9:00 Peter MelchiorOptimizing Instrument Utilization and Survey Design with Structured Learning
9:30 Brian KirkRL for Radio Interferometry Data Processing
9:50Yufeng LuoBad Imaging Exposure Identification with Self-Supervised Learning
10:10 Brian MasonThe CosmicAI Observable Universe Working Group: Use Cases and Vision
10:30 Coffee
11:00 Guangwen ChenAI-Driven Radio Source Detection and Classification for
11:20 Aritra GhoshHarnessing ML & Large Surveys to Probe Galaxy Evolution: from HSC Size-Environment Correlations to Rubin Anomaly Detection
11:40 Poster Talks📊
12:10 Lunch + Poster Session🥙 🖼️
2:10 Andrew VanderburgCan AI help reveal the elements/minerals that make up rocky exoplanets?
2:30Maja JablonskaSPICE: AI-Driven Stellar Spectral Synthesis with Surface Inhomogeneities and BinarySPICE: AI-Driven Stellar Spectral Synthesis with Surface Inhomogeneities and Binary Interactions
2:50 Coffee
3:20Zoe de BeursEnhancing exoplanet mass measurement precision with machine learning
3:40Brett A. McGuireMachine Learned Chemical Intuition for Automated Analysis of Spectral Line Observations
4:10Anna Lena SchaibleRUBIX: Fast and differentiable forward modeling of IFS observations
4:30Marc Huertas-CompanyTowards robust AI deployment for constraining the physics of galaxy formation.

Thursday, May 8th

TimePresenterTalk Title
8:30Registration + Coffee👋🏽 ☕
9:00Alessandra CorsiOptimizing radio observations of gravitational wave events: from present to future
9:30Preshanth JagannathanSAM-RFI : An image segmentation approach to Radio Frequency Interference identification and flagging
9:50Huaxi ChenAI-driven Astronomical Discoveries with FAST
10:10Javier VianaCan Explainable AI Teach Us Astrophysics?
11:00Hossen TeimooriniaUtilizing Generative AI for Spectral Decomposition and Image Simulation of Next-Generation Space-Based Telescopes
11:20Agglelos KatsaggelosAI Accelerated Simulations with Multi-Scale Astrophysics using Physics-Based Deep Learning
11:40Shunyuan MaoDeep Operator Networks and Physics-informed Neural Networks for fluid dynamics in astronomy
12:00Ghassem GozaliasPlasma Physics Meets AI (Plasma AI): Towards Scalable and Intelligent Simulations
1:20Xuefei TangAccelerating 3D Photodissociation Region Modeling via Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
1:40Aldana GrichenerNuclear Neural Networks: Emulating Late Burning Stages in Core Collapse Supernova Progenitors
2:00Grant StevensImproving The Practicality of Active Learning Pipelines inReal-World Problem Settings: A Case Study in The Classification of Astronomical Data
2:20Qingyun WangAI4Scientist: Accelerating and DemocratizingScientific Research Lifecycle
3:20Sebastian JosephAstroCodeBench: Evaluating Large Language Models for Specialized Code Reasoning in Astronomy
3:40Howard IsaacsonIntegrating a Large Language Model for querying Roman Space Telescope Data
4:10Matthew HoPractical Cosmological Inference With Learning the Universe
4:30Sheena PanthaplackelHarnessing the Coding Capabilities of LLMs


PresenterTalk Title
Thomas G. BisbasHigh-resolution 3D modeling of photodissociation regions
Carter DayImprovements on NRAO Proposal Classification Model
Sanjana GautamDesigning AI Agents to Assist Astronomy Research
Antonio HalesAI-Powered Image Reconstruction: Unlocking Planet Formation Insights from ALMA Observations
Syed HussianAstroCodeBench: An Astronomy Domain-Specific Benchmark of Code
Capabilities in Current Leading LLMs
Xuejian JiangModeling the astrochemical properties of molecular clouds with 3D-PDR and PDFchem
Mst Shamima KhanomAI-Driven Insights into the Baryon Cycle: Unveiling Galactic Evolution with Simulations
Hanwool KooApplication of anomaly detection to MeerKAT radio data using machine learning techniques
Casey LawEnabling a Radio Survey Revolution with DSA-2000 and Machine Learning
Jennifer LiFast and flexible inference framework for continuum reverberation mapping using simulation-based inference
Cicero LuSequencing Silicates in the Spitzer IRS Debris Disk Catalog I: Methodology for Unsupervised Clustering
Amanda LueCosmology with One Galaxy: Auto-Encoding the Galaxy Properties Manifold
Kuang MaoPrestoZL: a gpu-accelerated high-throughput Jerk Search toolkit for binary pulsars
Adele PlunkettALMA Science Archive: Leveraging big data from start to finish
Richard StiskalekInferring the Ionizing Photon Contributions of High-Redshift Galaxies to Reionization with JWST NIRCam Photometry
Josh TaylorSearching for Structure in Spectral Cubes with Multiview Prototype Embedding and Clustering
Nina de la TorreModeling Chemical Networks
Giuseppe ViterboCASBI: chemical abundance simulation based inference
Digvijay WadekarUsing interpretable ML to improve galaxy cluster mass estimation
Han Wang. Mr.FAST-FREX and RaSPDAM: The Dataset and AI Method for Accelerating FRB Search
Charles WillardPredicting Stellar Migration Histories of Disk Stars
Jackson ZariskiMachine-learning Applications to Telescope Pointing and Guiding
Gao-Yuan ZhangChemical evolution in MHD simulations of the CMZ
Dhruv ZimmermanReimagining SED Fitting with Simulations and Machine Learning
Zhengping ZhuRAYTHEIA: A high-performance algorithm for 3D radiative transfer in astronomical simulations