February 15 – April 21, 2018
Halloran’s work uses associative color and serious play to mimic objectivity and hysteria. Her recent textiles and drawings toy with the viewer’s expectations of rationality and narrative by engaging a feminist form of comic one-liners. Through these material and textual jokes, Halloran’s humor creates a visual world that is as colorful and messy as our own hilarious lives in all their weird particulars.
Organized by Allison Myers, 2016–17 Visual Arts Center Curatorial Fellow
Caitlin Halloran received her BFA from The University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2014 and her MFA from The University of Texas at Austin in 2017. Her work has been shown at the Visual Arts Center (Austin), MASS Gallery (Austin), The Wurks (Providence, RI) and the Augusta Savage Gallery (Amherst, MA), among other venues. She lives and works in New York.
Caitlin Halloran: Queen Size