Outsourcing and security

Who is your IT outsourcing firm working for?

The driving force behind outsourcing and offshoring is to find the cheapest IT talent on the planet. The people hired to do this work usually do not have a college education. They are young and have no experience. They are paid $7 to $15 an hour. The background and qualification checks are superficial at best. They have some IT training, but most of what they know is taught on the job. Now imagine how easy it would be for a cyber criminal to insert himself (or herself) into an outsourcing firm. Imagine how easy it would be to bribe and compromise a worker for an outsourcing firm. Since no one at the outsourcing firm works for your business it is very easy for cyber criminals to operate unnoticed. Edward Snowden used other people’s ID’s to access and copy data. Most cyber criminals these days are smart enough to cover their tracks. Given the weak management at many outsourcing firms, if they detected a problem they’d probably fire the innocent and completely miss what was really going on.

The outsourcing and offshoring of IT makes cyber crime a lot easier.

At least some of these concerns also apply to “cloud” vendors.

Twenty years ago

I was reading Jeffrey Zeldman’s 20th-anniversary post and realized that sometime this month (I don’t remember the exact day; I think it was near the end of the month) will be the 20th anniversary of when I started on webAgent 1.

As a side note, one of the things he said was:

Because folks don’t bookmark and return to personal sites as they once did. And they don’t follow their favorite personal sites via RSS, as they once did.

I still follow favorite personal sites via RSS. That’s how I saw his post. Maybe because I’m a total nerd myself, but I’ve never understood why RSS didn’t catch on more. For me it’s by far the best way to keep up.

Being data-driven

Via Rands in Repose: The Joyless World of Data-Driven Startups

Our capability to measure and record data is rapidly improving, at a time when more and more leaders are trying to protect their status and image by walking the middle ground, pre-calculating every decision and spoken word. The result is that the world increasingly uses and relies on data-driven decisions, from the smallest trivial matters, to policies in large corporations and entire countries. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it’s critical. But sometimes it fails, or results in unintended consequences that we may not notice for years.

Enterprise apps

Biggest [tech] news of 2014:

As corporate romances go, IBM and Apple’s must rank among the most unexpected. …

The recent apps release showed just how transformative this relationship could be. We were witnesses to apps which appeared to be designed for users[!] They were not designed for committees that prepare checklists of requirements.

We must applaud IBM for having the courage to resist the featuritis which plagues enterprise software design. This resistance requires saying No to those who specify and are thus authorized to purchase software and hardware. IBM has had to essentially say no to those who buy and yes to those who are paid to use. The quality of the experience is evident at first sight. The number of user actions, the number of screens to wade through have been ruthlessly culled. These are concepts and ideas which now permeate app design best practices. Yet they are practices which still elude the spec-driven enterprise software wastelands.

“Spec-driven enterprise software wastelands.” I wonder how he could have got that idea?

(via Daring Fireball)