Edit the Menu: Edit the default menu or create a new one
Dashboard > Appearance > Menus >
- Update the TopNav Menu: You can remove the example menu items by clicking the down arrow and click Remove.
- Use Bulk Select to select which Menu items to Bulk remove.
Add new menu items from the left-hand side column: Add menu items
- Add Pages, Posts, Custom Links or Categories as Menu Items.
- Once you have Pages and Posts created in your site, you can add them from this column into the Menu Structure on the right.
- Move menu items around by clicking and holding the menu item box and drag it to the location you want.
Create a Sub Menu
- Create a sub menu the same way using the options from the left-hand column
- Click and drag the menu item to the right to create a sub-menu
Be sure to click “Save Menu”
- Save your updates by clicking the blue button at the bottom: Save Menu