Gas hydrates
My work on gas hydrates focuses on petrophysical properties of hydrate-bearing sediments and fluid flow during hydrate formation and dissociation.
Image credits: The New York Times (left); US Department of Energy (right)
Nanoparticle-stabilized foams and emulsions
My work on nanoparticle-stabilized foams and emulsions is focused on designing surface coatings for metal oxide nanoparticles to impart particular properties to emulsions and foams, and understanding how those emulsions and foams move through porous media.
Fluid flow and geohazards in marine sediments
My work on fluid flow and geohazards in marine sediments focuses on predicting and detecting the presence of gas and understanding how physical properties of marine sediments interact with environmental perturbations to cause deformations that are hazardous to submarine and coastal infrastructure.
Image credit: Skarke et al. (2014)