2023 Fellows Develop New Public Consultation

The 2023 Embedded Scholars have been preparing for their summer work abroad through a new government course created for the program — Research in Democratic and Constitutional Development — taught by Ashley Moran. The course delves into issues in democratization, constitutional design, and democracy assistance, engaging students in research in these areas. This semester, the students worked with Professor Moran and the Comparative Constitutions Project to design a new deliberative consultation framework to research public views on constitutional issues.

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UT, IDEA Partner to Engage Students in Democracy Aid

This story originally appeared on the UT College of Liberal Arts website. A version of this story also appeared later on the UT Texas Global website.

Students from The University of Texas at Austin will spend the summer in Central and South America working on democracy and election assistance through a new partnership between UT’s Department of Government and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA).

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UT GOV Hosts Partners from International IDEA

This story originally appeared on the UT Government Department website.

The UT Government Department hosted partners from the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), kicking off a new collaboration that will send UT graduate and undergraduate students to work with IDEA on democracy and election assistance in the field.

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Embedded Scholars Program Names 2023 Fellows

The Embedded Scholars Program is an innovative research fellowship focused jointly on democracy assistance and research to launch students’ work in the field while advancing democratic development in Latin America. The program is based in the UT Government Department and developed in partnership with the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and the Comparative Constitutions Project (CCP). The program is led by Zachary Elkins and Ashley Moran.

Continue reading Embedded Scholars Program Names 2023 Fellows

A research exchange program at the University of Texas at Austin supporting student work abroad in democratic and constitutional development