Comms, Elections, and Personal Transformation

By Adriel Bustillos

Embarking on an internship with International IDEA in Panama City was been a remarkable and transformative experience. Over the course of my time in Panama, I had the opportunity to contribute to vital projects, including designing new communications materials for IDEA’s regional work and conducting research on elections and runoff processes in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Beyond professional growth, the internship also allowed me to immerse myself in the vibrant Panamanian culture and expand my horizons. The overall experience gave me a new sense of learning, but one that will always be held close to my heart in years to come.

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) plays a crucial role in promoting democracy and electoral processes globally. Working closely with the organization has given me a deep understanding of their mission, objectives, and the significance of their work. As I worked in IDEA’s Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, I gained experience with the impacts that the office has across the region. Each of my experiences was unique in the office but perhaps the most impactful were projects allowing my creativity to flourish through communications work and my analytical side to grow through electoral research on countries in the region.

One of the core projects during my internship was creating a visually appealing and informative brochure for IDEA’s Latin America and Caribbean Office. The purpose of this brochure was to update an outdated brochure that mentioned only the work of International IDEA globally rather than the work of the regional office. My brochure focuses on the regional work, projects, and priorities of IDEA in Latin America and the Caribbean. Through careful research, graphic design, and collaboration with a diverse team from all over the region, I sought to craft a brochure that best conveys the message of International IDEA as an intergovernmental organization advancing democracy in the region.

This experience not only enhanced my creative skills but also highlighted the critical role of effective communication in a team. My work on the brochure consisted of communicating with members of the regional team located in national offices around the region and working directly with the project manager of the region here in Panama. The brochure took time to develop but made me proud of the work I was aiming for one day at a time.

In addition to developing the brochure, I engaged in electoral research on the region. This looked specifically at the laws and constitutional provisions related to run-off elections in the region. I also researched the number of run-off elections in countries and the impacts that run-offs had on election results.

This research provided me with a comprehensive view of the intricate nature of electoral processes in Latin America. From analyzing election results to studying election laws and regulations, I gained insights into the multifaceted challenges faced by democratic societies and the impact of run-off elections in democracy. This research experience honed my analytical skills, fostering a deeper understanding of the factors influencing electoral outcomes and the significance of informed policymaking in maintaining a healthy democracy.

Beyond my professional endeavors, immersing myself in Panama’s vibrant culture was a captivating experience. Panama City’s bustling streets, historic landmarks, and warm-hearted people all contributed to a profound appreciation for the country’s rich heritage. Living next to the old town, you learn much about the historical architecture and culture. I was able to enjoy both traditional foods and less-traditional foods all while in Panama. One of my favorite experiences living near Casco Viejo was enjoying the views of historical buildings and the beautiful coastline from rooftop restaurants with other fellows on the trip.

In addition to exploring the night life and culture of Casco Viejo, I was able to experience the beauty of life across the country, from swimming in the Pacific Ocean to swimming in the Atlantic (Caribbean Sea) and getting to experience the indigenous culture and marine life. I enjoyed these adventures with new individuals that I am happy to now call friends. In addition to the beauties of the country, I was able to truly discover a whole new arena of gastronomy. I learned that there is much food to be discovered from ceviche to raspados, and it all tastes so good!

Interning in a foreign country also presented me with numerous personal challenges. Adapting to a new work environment, navigating cultural differences, and overcoming language barriers pushed me outside my comfort zone. Although a native Spanish speaker, I really struggled to overcome the language barrier at first. At times my Spanish was rusty, or I would say something that is not common to the dialect used in Panama. It really was one of those cases of learning as you went. The experience enhanced my resilience, adaptability, and intercultural communication skills. By embracing uncertainty and stepping outside of my comfort zone, I became more self-assured and open-minded.

Diversity is important to me and working with International IDEA in Panama City exposed me to a diverse range of individuals from different cultural backgrounds. Collaborating with colleagues and engaging in discussions with local communities and organizations broadened my perspectives on democracy, social issues, and global affairs. Embracing diversity reinforced for me the importance of inclusiveness, tolerance, and understanding in building a harmonious and democratic society.

My time in Panama City working with International IDEA was an incredibly enriching experience. From designing an impactful brochure to delving into the complexities of election research, every aspect of this internship contributed to my personal and professional growth. Additionally, the opportunity to immerse myself in Panama’s vibrant culture and interact with its people added a colorful dimension to my journey. As I reflect on my transformative experience, I am grateful for the invaluable lessons learned and the lasting impact the internship has had on me.