Principal InvestigatorĀ
Fabrizio Bisetti
Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Ph.D. Students
Arnav Trivedi
University of Texas at Austin, BS Mechanical Engineering
Alfredo Duarte
University of Notre Dame, BS Aerospace Engineering
Low Temperature Plasma Model for Predictive Simulation Tools
High-order time integration of plasma fluid models
Aditya Vinod
IIT Madras, BS Mechanical Engineering
Turbulent Premixed Combustion simulation, modeling, and theory
Large-eddy simulation of turbulent NH3/H2 premixed flames
Postdoctoral Fellows
Mahmood Mousavi
Simulations of low-temperature plasmas
External, co-supervised Ph.D. Students
Jared Stewart
UC Merced, Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics
Primary advisor, Prof. Mayya Tokman
Exponential integrators for reactive-diffusive PDEs
Master Students
Riccardo Terzo
Visiting Student from Politecnico di Torino
Uncertainty quantification of ablative materials for hypersonic vehicles
Undergraduate Students
Mark Dunn
Grid-Based Boltzmann Solver for the Electron Energy Distribution Function in Low Temperature Plasmas with Uniform Applied Electric Field and No Applied Magnetic Field
Rachel Weidman
Simulation and analysis of high-speed flow over conical bodies with OVERFLOW