Case Studies

This section features three case studies of historically vulnerable neighborhoods where local efforts have focused on mitigating displacement in the face of rising housing costs and redevelopment pressures. The case studies include an analysis of which approaches have had the most positive outcomes, which approaches did not turn out as expected, and which approaches could have had more positive outcomes if implemented differently–now that leaders have the benefit of experience and hindsight. These case studies also examine how efforts to address displacement evolve over time as neighborhoods enter different stages of gentrification.

A Case Study of Affordable Rental Housing Preservation and Tenant Ownership in the Face of Large-Scale Displacement Pressures

A Case Study of Early Intervention and Evolving Strategies to Create Affordable Housing for Vulnerable Residents with Historical Ties to the Neighborhood

A Case Study of Community-Driven Strategies to Mitigate and Remediate the Displacement of African-American Residents