Date and location: Friday April 1st, 2022 at the Mulva Auditorium (Ground Floor), Engineering Education and Research (EER) Center in the main campus at UT Austin.
The UT Geotechnical group is pleased to announce Prof Sarah Springman will be delivering the 2022 Lymon C. Reese Distinguished Lecture on “Rainfall-induced slope processes and failures“. Prof. Sarah Springman is Emeritus Rector of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich). Please see the speaker bio and Wiki for more information. We will be also offering a live streaming of the event. Please register to receive a live streaming link.
Register to attend the 2022 Reese Lecture
Reese Lecture Program
Friday, 1st April 2022
- 2:30 – 4:00pm: Career Expo (EER 0.804, next to the Mulva Auditorium)
- 4:30 – 6:00pm: 2022 Reese Distinguished Lecture (Mulva Auditorium, EER 0.904)
- 6:00 – 7:30pm: Reception (EER 0.700, next to the Mulva Auditorium)
Saturday, 2nd April 2022
- Reese Memorial Golf Tournament (Deadline for registration is Monday 28th March at 2PM). Venue: Falconhead Golf Club, 15201 Falcon Head Blvd, Austin, TX 78738
For more information on the Golf Tournament checkout the flyer.
We thank Fugro for the generous sponsorship of the 2022 Reese Lecture, which makes it possible to offer the full program free of charge (including the Career Expo and Reception).
For additional information, please contact Prof. Jorge Zornberg
Parking: We recommend parking at the San Jacinto Garage, which is across the street from EER