Three funds were setup to allow individuals or corporations to give specifically to the Geotechnical Engineering Program in the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering. For more information about each fund, please see the descriptions below.
Lymon and Eva Lee Reese Endowed Excellence Fund
Friends, alumni and colleagues of Lymon Reese have joined together to create the Lymon and Eva Lee Reese Endowed Excellence Fund in Civil Engineering. This endowment fund, which has a goal of $50,000, will be established in honor of a man who has given so much of himself to the lives of his students and colleagues.
To donate to the Reese Endowed Fund, please visit:
Donor Criteria: To provide non-fellowship support for graduate students in Geotechnical Engineering to enhance their educational experience. Uses might include, but are not limited to, professional development opportunities for students, travel to professional meetings, equipment purchases for laboratories or to present to selected students., performance recognition, group study opportunities, and the like. Exact use shall be determined by the Chair of the Department of Civil Engineering in consultation with appropriate members of the Geotechnical Engineering Program and the Dean.
Roy Olson Professional Endowed Excellence Fund in Civil Engineering
Friends, alumni and colleagues of Roy Olson have joined together to create the Roy E. Olson Professorial Excellence Fund in Civil Engineering. This endowment fund, which has a goal of $50,000, will be established in honor of a man who has given so much of himself to the lives of his students and colleagues. This fund supports graduate students in geotechnical engineering in the Civil Engineering Department.
To donate to the Olson Endowed Fund, please visit:
Donor Criteria : To provide support for graduate students in Geotechnical Engineering in the Civil Engineering Department. The types of support may include, but are not limited to, direct payment of stipends in the forms of fellowships or assistantships, tuition and fees, travel expenses for potential or current graduate students, and other expenditures for the direct benefit of graduate students. Expenditure of funds shall be decided by the Director of the Geotechnical Engineering Program in conjunction with the Department Chair in the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Texas at Austin.
GeoFutures Pathway Program
The GeoFutures Pathway Program was established to provide resources that enhance the educational experience within the Geotechnical Engineering group at the University of Texas. These funds support activities that better prepare our graduate students to solve the geotechnical challenges that they will encounter in the future, and they also support events that promote geotechnical engineering as a career. Specific program activities include:
- Travel to conferences
- Field trips to geotechnical construction sites
- Site visits to engineering firms
- Weekly seminar series
- Undergraduate research
- Outreach activities
To donate to the GeoFutures Pathways Program Fund, please contact the Geotech Group Leader, Prof. Ellen Rathje (