When upgrading my test SCOM server from RTM to SP-1, I got an error during the prerequisite check: “SQL Reporting Server could not be contacted.” I verified that ReportServer was available, and the resolution did not offer anything helpful.
When first installing SCOM several months ago I had configured SSRS to only use https. One of the troubleshooting steps I performed to try to resolve this problem was re-enabling http, which made the prerequisite check pass.
Searching the registry for the SSRS http URL, I found two places that I needed to modify in order to get the prerequisite check to pass using https only. Edit the ReportingServerUrl value located under both of the following keys: change http to https and :80 to :443.
- HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microosft Operations Manager\3.0\Reporting
- HKLM\Software\Microsoft\System Center Operations Manager\12\Reporting
Of course, I could have just continued with the upgrade when I found the cause of the problem, leaving http enabled temporarily, since it made the prerequisites pass, but I was trying to avoid any additional problems in the future (additional upgrades, etc.) after setting it back to https only.