GURU hosts several events each semester to help undergraduates connect with graduate students and get involved in research. Below you’ll find a description of events we host regularly as well as a more detailed upcoming events calendar.
GURU LINK is an event that gives undergraduates an overview of different research projects in the BME department and helps students connect with graduate students who may be looking for an undergraduate to help with their research. This event is typically hosted at the end of the spring and fall semesters to help students prepare to begin research the following semester.
Undergraduate Research Poster Competition
GURU helps the department host a research poster competition for undergraduate students each semester for students to show off what they have been working on. These poster sessions are often well attended by the BME community. BME faculty judge undergraduate posters and award prizes to the top students to recognize their impressive work.
Social Events
GURU hosts social events to foster connections between graduate and undergraduate students, as well as between undergraduates involved in research, in a casual environment. Previous activities have included game nights, movie nights, and trivia nights. Please see the calendar below for more information on upcoming social events.