Alumni Click on a person’s photo for more information! Jeremy ShengUndergraduate ResearcherDuy NguyenPh.D. 2024, now ScalvyGarrett LiuUndergraduate ResearcherElijah MaciasUndergraduate Researcher, now SynQorNeeraj AnanthaUndergraduate ResearcherMichael SolomentsevPh.D. 2023, now Palanquin PowerOdinaka OkekeResearcherChampers FuUndergraduate ResearcherAsher NederveldUndergraduate ResearcherFavian SunUndergraduate Researcher, now Ph.D. at RiceAva K Lindquist-SherB.S. 2022, now Sargent & LundyJatin BhatResearcher, now SynQorMelanie PeckB.S. 2022, now CesiumAstroPedram Chavoshipour HerisResearcher, now Ph.D. at University of ArkansasAbhijeet BendapudiUndergraduate Researcher, now M.A.Sc. at University of TorontoAllen NguyenB.S. 2022, now Ph.D. at DartmouthMansi JoisherResearch Intern, now Ph.D. at MITAjinkya PhanseM.S. 2021, now Ph.D. in Johnson labSanat PoddarM.S. 2021, now Ph.D. at Utah StateKavya Suma GompaM.S. 2021, now Texas InstrumentsMatthew RobertsM.S. 2020, now Burns & McDonnell