Our Work

Graphic detailing the HBRT history as starting in 1992 at the University of Houston, moving to UT medical school in Houson in 1999 before finally coming to UT Austin in 2006.With 20+ years of research and training in evidence-based behavioral interventions, the Health Behavior Research and Training Institute (HBRT) at the University of Texas at Austin specializes in the development and dissemination of interventions to promote health behavior change.

HBRT’s Behavior Change Science:

  • Transdisciplinary
  • Interprofessional
  • Across Practice Settings

HBRT’s research portfolio encompasses epidemiology, intervention design, feasibility studies, randomized clinical trials for efficacy, dissemination studies, and research-to-practice implementation.

HBRT’s scientifically rigorous studies and training programs have been funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institute on Alcohol and Alcoholism (NIAAA), Health Services Research Administration (HRSA), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA), as well as healthcare networks, state, local, and nonprofit agencies.
