

  • von Sternberg, K., Parrish, D., Castro, Y., Velasquez, M.M. (in press). Processes of change in preventing alcohol-exposed pregnancy: replication of a mediation analysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
  • Leslie Sirrianni was selected to join NASW to co-author and revise the substance use policy statement for the 13th edition of Social Work Speaks, a collection of 62 NASW policies that helps shape public policy and practice. In addition to social workers, audiences for this publication include the media, students, educators, and policymakers.
  • Velasquez, M,M., Ling, D., von Sternberg, K. (2022). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Oxford Bibliographies in Social Work. Ed. Edward J. Mullen. New York: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780195389678-031
  • Hare, J. P., Johnson, S. K., von Sternberg, K., & Velasquez, M. M. (2022). Motivational interviewing. In K. Corcoran, & A. R. Roberts (Eds.), Social workers’ desk reference (4th ed.).
  • Brown, S.A., Becker, H.A., García, A.A., Velasquez, M.M., Tanaka, H.,Winter, M.A., Perkison, W.B., Brown, E.L., Aguilar, D., & Hanis, C.L. (2022). Acculturation, eating behaviors, and macronutrient intake among Mexican Americans: The Starr County Diabetes Prevention Initiative. The Science of Diabetes Self-Management and Care Journal.
  • Brown, S. A., Becker, H.A., Garcia, A.A. Velasquez, MM., Hirofumi, T.M., Winter, M.A., Perkison, WR, Brown, E.L., Aguilar, D., Hanis, C.L. (2022). The effects of gender and country of origin on acculturation, psychological factors, Lifestyle factors, and diabetes-related physiological outcomes among Mexican Americans. The Starr County diabetes prevention initiative.
  • Stotts, A.L., Villarreal, Y.R., Green, C., Berens, P., Blackwell, S., Khan, A., Suchting, R., Velasquez, M., Markham, C., Klawans, M.R., & Northrup, T.F. (2022). Facilitating treatment initiation and reproductive care postpartum to prevent substance-exposed pregnancies: A randomized Bayesian pilot trial. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
  • Johnson, J.A., Shellenberger, S., Buchanan, C. Cline, N., Velasquez, M.M., von Sternberg, K., Roxborough, J., Seale, J.P. (2022). Post-residency impact of alcohol and drug screening and intervention training. Family Medicine, 54(3), 200-206.
  • Magill, M., Mastroleo, N. R., Kuerbis, A., Sacco, P., Thombs-Cain, G. E., Wagner, E. F., & Velasquez, M. M. (2022). Practice Makes Perfect: MSW Students Reflect on Skill-Based Teaching Methods in Clinical Social Work Education. Journal of Social Work Education, 1-15.



