Hendrickson, Dean A. “Interim progress report on a study of the utility of data obtainable from otoliths to management of Humpback Chub (Gila cypha) in the Grand Canyon”. Publisher’s Version
Daily growth increments of otoliths of fishes have been useful in many fishery applications since they have been demonstrated to provide a precise method of ageing individuals and reconstructing individual growth and, possibly, movement or habitat histories. These techniques have not been previously applied to humpback chub, but are believed to have considerable potential for providing knowledge of this difficult to sample and little-understood species. Large temperature and water quality gradients apparently traversed by individuals of this species in the Grand Canyon are of a magnitude likely to produce structural and/or chemical signals in the crystalline calcareous otoliths. If so, since otoliths grow by accretion of daily increments (much like trees develop yearly growth rings), and are stable structures, which unlike scales, are not susceptible to reabsorption except in the most extreme conditions, they retain a structural and chemical chronology of habitats occupied. If the relationships of ambient physical and chemical conditions to otolith structure and composition can be described, a chronology of habitat occupancy and growth for individuals could theoretically be reconstructed with daily precision. Such reconstructions of growth rates, birth dates, movement histories, and possibly, birth place (based on chemistry at otolith formation or during early life), could provide extremely valuable life-history information regarding timing of spawning, cohort recruitment, mortality rates, and data on other population parameters critical for management of this endangered species. The feasibility of using otoliths and opercles of humpback chub for age estimation of individuals has been preliminarily investigated by examining otoliths and opercles from a total of 47 juvenile (ages 0 through 1 +)and 43 adult (estimated ages 2- 23) specimens collected in the Little Colorado River (71 specimens) and mainstream Colorado River (19 specimens) at various places in the Grand Canyon between 1988 and 1992. Studies are continuing, and at this point, due to both sample size and numerous other limitations, and ongoing refinements of techniques, conclusions made here are highly preliminary. Structures prepared and examined included opercles of 35 specimens, one asteriscus from each of 47 specimens and a lapillus from each of 56 specimens. Seventeen specimens were evaluated using all three calcareous structures (lapillus, asteriscus and opercle). The sagitta was also examined, but found to be unsuitable for ageing purposes due to its long, delicate form and irregular increments after the larval/juvenile stage. Additional lapilli have been removed from other available specimens, and a complete inventory of specimens available for further study of calcified structures is provided. Studies of micro-spatial variation in chemical composition of selected lapilli is in progress, using the highly accurate proton probe at the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences in Lower Hutt, New Zealand. This method of analysis shows great promise of overcoming what has been indicated in recent literature to be significant inaccuracies of other techniques (Energy Dispersive X-ray diffraction and Wave Length dispersive X-ray diffraction) used in many of the published studies of microspatial elemental analysis of otoliths.
Hendrickson, Dean A. “Evaluation of the Razorback Sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) and Colorado Squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius) reintroduction programs in central Arizona based on surveys of fish populations in the Salt and Verde rivers from 1986 to 1990”. Publisher’s Version
Between 1981 and 1990, more than 11 million hatchery-produced razorback suckers (Xyrauchen texanus) and 750,000 Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius) were stocked to historic ranges in the Verde and Salt rivers in Arizona, where natural populations had been extirpated. Efforts to date have focused on broad-scale stockings and general fish surveys to evaluate success. Only 519 razorbacks and 444 squawfish were taken in several years of intensive electrofishing and netting surveys during all seasons throughout large segments of both rivers. Survival of razorbacks appears better in the upper Verde River than in the Salt River, while squawfish appear to fare better in the Salt River than do razorbacks. Most recaptures of either species were taken within weeks of stockings; relatively few individuals were verified to have lived more than a few months in the wild. Large populations of razor backs have not established in mainstreams, although groups have persisted in small, isolated, peripheral habitats where emigration is blocked or impeded. Despite growth to maturity of at least some razorbacks, no evidence of wild reproduction was found. The few squawfish known to have over-wintered in the wild were also taken from a habitat closed to downstream emigration. Proximate impediments to large-scale successful recruitment of stocked individuals to wild populations clearly include predation, principally by exotic flathead catfish and smallmouth bass, and coincident inability of hatcheries to produce large numbers of individuals for release at sizes large enough to escape predation. Despite limited success, it is recommended that stockings of both species continue for two reasons. Large-scale field experiments easily accomplished under the “experimental, non-essential” designation with readily available hatchery fish can elucidate mechanisms of recruitment failure for hatchery stock. These should emphasize experimental analyses of factors affecting mortality, movements and habitat use of stocked fish. Effects of fish condition, transport and stocking stress, size, stocking season, and parasites are other variables which need research. Along with experiments, continued stockings, especially in the case of razorbacks, even with low recruitment rates, appear very likely to contribute to establishment of long-lived populations, and are therefore recommended for both species. Stockings should be as extensive as possible, and focus on releases to closed, peripheral riverine and reservoir habitats (e .g. isolated backwaters), preferably with low or reduced predator populations. While direct stocking of larger individuals would likely increase survival rates in the wild, absolute numbers stocked would remain small given existing facilities . Stockings of far greater numbers of small individuals to such isolated, “wild” habitats and subsequent “wild” growth there prior to release, via either natural or artificial mechanisms, to larger, adjoining habitats, will likely prove to be the most economical and successful approach to establishing multiple, new populations oflong-lived individuals. Recommendations for immediate habitat management actions for both species include manipulations of predator populations and maximization of availability of backwater habitats. A broad-scale, annual field monitoring effort should continue, but most importantly the program should shift to emphasize experimental research. Effectiveness of the reintroduction program could be greatly improved by high-level administrative adjustments with particular attention to development of program objectives, coordination among production, research and monitoring components and frequent evaluation of progress toward objectives.