Truchas Mexicanas published its first overview paper on the project in 2003, and our most recent overview came out in a new book on Trout and Char of the World in September 2019. It has a map, habitat photos and Joseph R. Tomelleri’s beautiful illustration’s of most species in the process of being described. Tomelleri also does video production – check out his impressive video story of the fishes and the group’s work.
A doctoral dissertation and resultant paper used many of Truchas Mexicana’s extensive DNA samples that solidified the growing evidence of the genetic distinctiveness of all Mexican forms, and documented that Mexico has perhaps more overall genetic diversity in its trout than is found across all US species. The genetics also substantiated our field observations that often indicated very small, isolated populations.
In 2016, our Mexican colleagues published a book focused on the one formally named species, the Mexican Golden Trout (which will likely ultimately be split into multiple species). It includes chapters covering everything from basic biology and ecology, computer modeling of genetic landscapes, trout culture operations, to socio-economic issues confronting trout management and conservation.
Our Zotero Group-based bibliography is maintained with the intent of facilitating access by anyone interested to all of the resources now available for research and conservation efforts. Exploring it will quickly demonstrate that though these species are still un-described, significant progress toward understanding them and the conservation challenges they confront has been made, and is ongoing, by an increasinly diverse goup of researchers than ever before.
Finally, though most items from it have been added to the Zotero Group, some remain only in our complete 2003 – present publication list, so we maintain a link to that as we continue working on getting everything into the Zotero group.