Over the years we were able to initiate at least some on-the-ground conservation efforts for what we perceived to be the most threatened species (see our 2013 white paper and this book chapter). Since then:
- Hendrickson’s presentation at the Desert Fishes Council meeting in November provided an update on what is known of these fishes and their conservation status, and has nice illustrations of some of them.
- In December our formal conservation assessments for each of the species that the Truchas Mexicanas team is working to describe were published by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature in its IUCN Red List:
- Three species were determined to be Critically Endangered, 5 Endangered, 3 Near Threatened, and 1 Data Deficient.
- This link (when further filtered on “Land Areas” and “Mesoamerica”) will retrieve the assessments for all 12 Mexican species (11 yet to be described, as well as the formally described Mexican Golden Trout). The same documents are also individually available in our project’s publication list (see the Hendrickson & Tomelleri 2019 ones and click on their dois in the Info tab).
- We are optimistic that these will help spark additional conservation efforts and generate much-needed funding.
- Hendrickon co-authored a book that provides an overview of the recently updated conservation status of all Mexican Freshwater fishes, that contains a short feature section (separately available here) about Mexican trout.