Last week the electrical team finished straight pieces for the cable runs up the side of the telescope and have to purchase the transition curved pieces to finish the cableways. Weathers Electric started work on the improvements we require for the new tracker. This is likely to take 4-6 weeks but they made some progress outside with the conduit. Veliez construction was on site over the weekend cutting concrete paths for the glycol, liquid nitrogen, power etc.. They finished their concrete cuts. We had our Board of Directors meeting this past weekend and they had a chance to see all of our progress in the Wide Field Upgrade. The next board meeting will be in June also out at McDonald so that they can see the completed Wide Field Upgrade.
This week we will be finishing the weldments and then painting them. Weathers electric will continue work on site, mostly on the outside conduit. Veliez construction will be back on site later in the week to jack-hammer out the concrete cuts and then line and level the trenches. They hope to finish that effort this next weekend.