In the past week we have had a number of very strong thunder storms one of which blew out one of our 480 V contactors in the new tracker electronics. We found we don’t have a spare for this relatively inexpensive components so we are ordering a replacement and several spares. We hope to have this in place in the next day or so. Once back up we will continue to work on the TCS trajectory generation.
Next week we have some of the engineers and most of the software team coming out from Austin for a first attempt at running trajectories with metrology. The DMI is back from France and ready to be installed on the test mass along with the tip-tilt camera and the Video Alignment Telescope (VAT). This week we are just making sure all of the communications and power connections are in place for this set of tests.
We have four different contractors on site this week working on the Remote Thermal Area project. One is building the forms for the remote concrete pads, another is digging a trench between those pads and the vault which was completed last week, another is putting in ducting in the vault and the last is installing ducting inside the spectrograph room, lower and upper electrical rooms. The afternoon storms are slowing the work slightly.